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This patch is about polishing scenes, fixing some typos, improving dialogues, etc. you’re probably interested to know what’s new in v.1.1.1d.And to be honest – not much. Solve the mystery of Mister X and get ready to travel back to Cordale academy of witchcraft and wizardry!We know you’re interested in details, so here’s what you get playing Lust Academy Season 2 v1.1.1:11 new enticing scenes with Samantha, Ashley, Olivia & Don.370 new beautiful renders for the scenes mentioned above.13 hot full HD 60fps animations.New design of the Main menu background.Save file transfer feature for those who played season 1 and don’t want to lose the progress.If you’ve already tried version 1.1.1.

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Travel with MC to Samantha’s parent’s house and spend some quality time with Samantha, Ashley, Olivia, and Don. Season 2 v1.1.1dAccess to the first part of the Season two prologue. Extract and run.Note:Season 1 – Version 0.7.1d in Extra Content MEGA The most important thing: don’t forget to get to know other students and teachers! We’re sure you’ll find most of them… charming!​ĭate: Language: EnglishVersion: 1.1.1dCensored: No1. the guy who’s life is about to change forever! You’ll find out about the whole world full of magic and adventure that awaits you at Cordale – the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World.

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